In the first book (NA1) of this trilogy, Charlotte and Todd are summer holidaying on the south coast of fictional island, New Albion. A chance encounter with Lucy and Jake, naturists staying at their chalet at nearby Serendip Naturist Resort, results in an invitation to visit, despite Charlotte's reservations. Charlotte and Todd are taken with the resort and, although Todd takes to it immediately, it isn't long before Charlotte takes to the lifestyle too.
They befriend next door chalet neighbour, Molly, who is experiencing boyfriend troubles with Phil, who deserts Molly at the resort. Lucy and Jake take her under their wings. At a visit to Barcelona Beach, a nearby naturist spot, Todd sees a young man making unwanted sexual advances to the young lady accompanying him. The young man assaults Todd - not a smart move as Todd is a detective inspector with the police.
Todd discovers that the young man, Ben, is a lowlife on the fringes of criminal gangs and is Phil's drug fixer. Phil is now staying with Ben and the young lady, Dana. Very soon, drugged and drunk, they are both arrested and Todd persuades Dana to move to Serendip. She befriends Molly.
The six new friends enjoy spending time together and are soon joined by Justin, the concierge at the hotel at which Charlotte and Todd are staying and also a newbie nudist. He is secretly taken with Molly but she does not encourage his attentions. The friends spend every day together, Justin joining them whenever he can.
After Ben's brush with the law, on release he attempts to seek retribution with Dana at Serendip resort but is thwarted by Todd. As a result, Todd is drawn unwittingly into a life-threatening situation. As the situation unfolds, Todd manages to escape danger and Ben faces an uncertain future. The consequences rumble on into NA2.
On return to their home city of Wellingbury after the holiday, Charlotte is at first not sure if her interest in nudism will dissipate. That too rumbles on in NA2.
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